Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Drug Dramas

A couple of weeks ago I had my 12 month breast examination. I think I was meant to have my yearly mammogram but Dr S told me they couldn't use the machines on that day. Meaning I had to make another trip to the hospital for my mammogram the following week. 

So basically this was just a groping session. It's a good job I have lost all sense of decency at this point. For my breast examination I need to lie topless in front of Dr S, Kath (my BCN) and usually Michele or my mum - whoever is taking me. Dr S has a good feel around of both my breasts and surrounding areas. I then have to sit up on the bed and put my hands to the side and then above my head. Still topless and still with an audience. Then they make me sing and dance. Ok that last sentence was just a joke - although it would not surprise me. 

My breast examination was over shadowed slightly by the fact that pre-breast examination I had been having a nightmare getting my Herceptin prescription. This accumulated in me arriving at the breast clinic. Seeing Kath. Then immediately bursting in to floods of tears in front of the entire waiting room - which was packed with people. 

My Herceptin injection is given by Healthcare at Home every three weeks. I always have it on a Wednesday and a nurse always rings me on the Tuesday to tell me what time they are coming to administer the injection. 

This time I got no phone call on the Tuesday. I presumed a nurse had just forgotten so I gave Healthcare at homes head office a call on the Wednesday.

'No it's not due until Thursday' stated a harassed sounding women from HAH customer services.

'Erm yep pretty sure I always have my Herceptin injection on a Wednesday' I'm glad she couldn't see my eye roll from the other end of the phone.

After them 'looking in to it' and me calling my BCN, oncologist, oncologists secretary and just about a gazillion other people it turned  out my herceptin prescription hadn't been signed by my oncologist and in turn sent to HAH to order and book in.

But why wasn't it signed I hear you ask?! Good question guys. Apparently I missed a review appointment with my oncologist so he therefore didn't sign it. Why would I miss such an important appointment? Another great question! As far as I'm concerned I didn't. I hadn't received any appointment letters.

'Oh we have had a few issues with appointments' offered my BCN.

Oh right.

So what was going to happen then? I just don't get my herceptin? I'll just die of secondary cancer shall?

Jesus Christ.

So Wednesday came and went. No Herceptin injection. My herceptin injection is meant to be administered on the same day every three weeks. There must be a reason for this. I was not happy that this would now be a day late.

Thankfully I already had  an appointment with my surgeon on the Thursday morning at St Luke's hospital. Oh that's good timing isn't it? Surely your surgeon could just sign your prescription for you?

Well no. Apparently that would be too fucking easy.

So, as I say, this accumulated in me crying my eyes out like an actual baby in front of everyone in the waiting room at the breast clinic.

Kath took me in to a side room.

'Dr Bradley is PUNISHING me for not attending an appointment - that I didn't know about. He isn't giving me my herceptin prescription!'

'Dr Bradley's trying to KILL ME!!' I whaled.

Take note: There is no one more dramatic than a distressed women with zero estrogen in their body.

Kath calmed me down as much as she could and promised she would sort it all out for me.

HAH told me they need the signature on the prescription by 4pm Thursday to be able to do it on the Friday. I go on holiday to Furteventura on the Saturday so Friday was my last chance. Otherwise I'd have to wait over a week for my injection. Like I say this is meant to be every three weeks for a year on the same day. Having any kind of a delay on this, especially for over a week, does not sit well with me.

After a million more phone calls, to I think everyone in the NHS, Dr Bradley finally calls me.

He rang me at 15:56 to say he'll sign my prescription. HAH swiftly got it sorted and a nurse came to administer my injection on the Friday.

I'm sure it's really tough working for the NHS. I'm sure Dr Bradley's really busy. But....really? All that stress caused for him to just give me a quick ring and sign it.

I got my herceptin injection and flew to Furteventura as planned on the Saturday. I spent two full afternoons in bed because I was tired from my injection. Cheers Dr Bradley! Love you too!

Apart from being ridiculously tired the holiday was amazing! 

Here's a few holiday pics for you to gaze at while i ponder (and seriously calculate) how much it is to go private! x


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