Friday, 11 August 2017

Campaigning Works: A Thank You

A few weeks ago we had the amazing news that Kadcyla has been approved for use on the NHS!

NICE and ROCHE have reached a deal on how much the NHS will pay for Kadcyla. This means that everyone who needs Kadcyla going forward will be prescribed it and everyone who is currently taking the drug can continue to do so.

On 29th December 2016  Breast Cancer Now launched a petition calling on Roche and NICE to come together and reach a decision and find a solution to keep Kadcyla available. 

The petition closed on the 23rd January.

It had 115,898 signatures!

I wrote a blog post regarding Kadcyla here: and I also featured in two local newspapers to try and raise awareness: and Thank you to both the Keighley News and the Craven Herald  for allowing me to do that.

It’s absolutely amazing news that Kadcyla will be available on the NHS. This drug is giving people with secondary breast cancer extra precious months with their families and friends with relatively few side effects.

Thank you to all the ladies like the lovely, Bonnie Fox, who campaigned tirelessly to keep this drug available.

Thank you to Breast Cancer Now for launching the petition and, again, campaigning tirelessly.

Thank you to everyone who wrote to their MP’s and local papers.

Thank you to everyone who signed the petition and shared it on Facebook and Twitter.
Professor Carole Longson, director of the centre for health technology evaluation at Nice, said: "The committee acknowledged the comments received from patients during the consultation on the draft recommendations for trastuzumab emtansine, in particular that 115,000 people had signed a Breast Cancer Now petition urging Nice and the company to ensure that it remains available.

I think the statement above from Professor Carole Longson says it all. This decision was made due to the ‘power of the people’

So thank you so much everyone. This is an incredible result and shows the power of campaigning. 

There is always strength in numbers xx

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