Monday, 16 January 2017

Keep Kadcyla

Before I start blabbering on about how important this is to me and you get sick of scrolling through the blog post…here's a link to Breast Cancer Now’s petition. PLEASE SIGN IT! It only takes a second…

So what's it all about?

Kadcyla is a drug used for secondary breast cancer that's HER2 positive. NICE provisionally rejected Kadcyla (Trastuzumab emtansine) for routine use on the NHS on 29 December 2016. There is now a month long consultation period ending on 20 January, with Roche and NICE meeting again on 1 February with a view to making a final decision. 

My breast cancer is HER2 positive so if my cancer decides to come back Kadcyla would be one of my drug options. A drug that could extend my life. Giving me years instead of months. 

But enough about me. This is affecting people now. Many women I speak to on my breast cancer support group are using this drug right now. It is extending their life. Imagine having this taken away? 

We need Roche (the pharmecutical company) and NICE to come to a compromise regarding Kadcyla so that it can continue to be used on the NHS. 

Please sign the petition above! We need to keep the pressure on both Roche and NICE during this consultation period. 

If you do have a bit more time I would really appreciate it if you would contact your MP to request that they raise this issue in parliament. 

You can find the contact details for your local MP (including email) though this website:

My support group, YBCN, have drafted a template for you to send to your MP to make it easier. Please contact me via my blog or Facebook and I can message you the template.

I really appreciate your support x



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